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You are welcome to schedule a specific day to pick up either piece of equipment. Or just stop by. If no reserves are on the calendar you are welcome to rent on the spot. Hours of operation are M - F 8:00 am to 4:00 pm. We do our best to accomodate after hours pick up and drop off.
Great Plains 606NT
No-Till Drill

Capacity to plant:
WARM SEASON GRASS (big blue stem, little blue stem, etc.)
COOL SEASON GRASS (orchard grass, timothy, etc.)
SMALL SEED (like alfalfa and clover).
Seeds a 6 foot width with the rows 7 inches apart.
Available for landowners and operators in Marshall County to establish small acreage for wildlife habitat, hay seeding, or conservation cover. 40 horse power tractor with external hydraulic is needed to operate the drill.
$80 usage fee plus $9 an acre for non-commercial production; $1 an acre discount if paid within 10 days of billing.
Rental form for No-Till Drill can be downloaded and completed prior to equipment pick-up.
Please call 574-936-2024 x 3 to reserve.