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Board meeting April 9, 2025 @ 8:00 a.m.
USDA Service Center 2903 Gary Drive Plymouth, IN


The District is happy to announce it will be offering 8 different native plant kits to the public this spring! These species are selected based on different habitats and are grown locally. The kits offered are:
Basic Prairie Kit
Raingarden Kit
Prairie Grass Kit
Shade Kit
Purple Rain Garden Kit
Low-Profile Garden Kit
Monarch Garden Kit
Download the order form HERE. Kits need to be ordered by March 28th for delivery the first week of June and need to be paid for before order can be placed. Payment may be made by check with form submittal by mail or drop off here at the office. Payment may also be made using PayPal with the button below Submit the order form online to info@marshallcountyswcd.org

2024-2026 CWI Grant
Invasives Removal
Cost Share Program
The District is proud to announce that we are the recipients of a Clean Water Indiana Grant that will assist landowners with the cost of invasives plant removal from their woodlands! We are partnering with our neighbors to the north in St. Joseph County SWCD and will be able to help 10 landowners with between 10 and 20 acres of woodlands, and 20 landowners with less than 10 acres.
Applications continue to be received and will be reviewed and selected based on a ranking system similar to the one used in the federal NRCS EQIP program. Recipients will be notified and technical guidance for implementation will be provided, after which removal can begin! We look forward to being able to assist landowner with this increasingly important natural resource concern.
Download application

If you would like to donate to Marshall County SWCD to help further conservation efforts please use the button below. If you would like a tax deductible receipt please be sure and enter a good email and/or address for us to send the receipt to. Thank you for supporting conservation and clean water!